Faculty Leaders: Charlotte Markey, Department of Psychology

Travel Dates: May 22-30, 2022

Class Meeting Times: Wednesdays, 2pm

Course Number: 50:830:434 (psychology) and 50:499:459 (health sciences).

Program Cost: $3,500*

The psychology of eating is all about why, when, and how we eat; our health, our perceptions of ourselves and others, and the role of food in our lives.

Italy is an obvious destination to pursue an understanding of the cultural influences on eating behaviors because the Italian culture focuses on food so heavily. However, the rates of obesity are much lower abroad than in the U.S. It is believed that this is due to the different approach to eating adopted by most European countries. In particular, a focus on the enjoyment of food, food as ritual and tradition keep food from being a source of angst to the extent that it is in countries such as the U.S.
The psychology of eating class will cover topics such as: food choice, healthy eating, social influences on eating, body image, dieting, obesity, and eating disorders. This curriculum will provide a foundation for exploring the psychology of eating abroad! 

Program Cost Includes:

  • Airfare
  • Housing
  • International health insurance
  • Some meals and excursions

Program Cost Does Not Include:

  • Passport, visa, or airport entrance or exit fees (if applicable)
  • Vaccinations
  • Remaining meals

*Program cost is approximate and subject to change. Program cost is in addition to tuition.