Program Contacts: Cal Maradonna; Briance Mascarenhas
Travel Dates: January 4-12, 2020
Class Meeting Times: Online
Course Numbers: 52:620:426, 52:630:426, 53:620:545, 53:630:545
Program Cost: $2,775*
Rutgers School of Business–Camden (RSBC) offers a fall course related to business in Portugal. The course will provide an economic overview of Portugal and Portuguese-American business and trade relations. The program highlight is an 8-day travel component to Portugal in January to learn about management and marketing practices in this region. The international experience includes visits to American and Portuguese companies and government agencies in the cities of Lisbon and Porto. The meetings will help develop students’ perspective and understanding of Portugal’s role in the European Union and their current challenges. Additionally, students will participate in hands-on, interactive activities related to entrepreneurship. Students are expected to read case studies and other assigned readings on Portuguese society, culture, economy and business environment and submit written assignments per course requirement.
Program Cost Includes:
- Airfare
- Housing
- Transportation
- International Health Insurance
- Some Meals (all breakfasts and three dinners) and Excursions
Program Cost Does Not Include:
- Passport Fee (for those without a passport)
- Airport Entranct or Exit Fees (if applicable)
- Vaccinations
- Visa (if applicable)
- Remaining meals
*Program cost is approximate and subject to change. Program cost is in addition to tuition.