Faculty Leaders: Natasha O. Fletcher, Ph.D., Zachary D. Wood, Department of Public Policy and Administration
Travel Dates: May 2019 (May 24, 2019 – June 3, 2019)
Class Meeting Times: Tuesdays from 6:00-8:50pm
Course number: 50:975:351, cross-listed with 56:834:531
Program Cost: $2,700*
What does it mean to be a urban navigator and global citizen? This learning abroad course will answer those questions with a hands-on exploration of urban change in Germany. We will take a 10-day journey together, traversing one of the most fascinating countries by plane, train, bus, subway, and on foot. We will spend 3 days in each city, beginning with Berlin in the Northeast, then traveling by train to Hamburg in the North, and finally Kӧln in the Midwest. Our goal is to marry an intellectual exploration of Germany with a deep and intense experience together, on the ground. The intellectual component of the course will focus on the urban change that has been taking place across Germany and the impact that has had on neighborhoods, the economy, the people, and the many forms of resistance in response. Students will ponder gentrification, social movements, and the extensive use of the arts as public expression. The experiential component will teach us practical and applicable tools to navigate “foreign” space, communicate with locals as a confident and humble global citizen, and significantly enhance our leadership and team-building skills. Our exploration will take us down both traditional tourist paths, and also many off-the-beaten-track experiences hearing from native Germans about their cities. This trip is ideal for students of all majors and interests.
Program Cost Includes:
- Airfare
- Housing
- International Health Insurance
- Some Meals and Excursions
Program Cost Does Not Include:
- Passport Fee (for those without a passport)
- Airport Entranct or Exit Fees (if applicable)
- Vaccinations
- Visa (if applicable)
- Remaining meals
*Program cost is approximate and subject to change. Program cost is in addition to tuition.